What is the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms


What are the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms and its benefits to your health.

What is the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

As we age, our brain changes its ability to self-maintain, potentially leading to diminished cognitive functions as we grow older, our brains undergo various changes that can affect our ability to maintain optimal cognitive function. These changes, although natural, may sometimes result in diminished cognitive abilities.

Highlighting the significance of mushrooms, it becomes clear that they harbor advantageous qualities that have the potential to positively impact the upkeep of ideal cognitive well-being.

The medicinal value of the Lion’s mane.

People have known about the medicinal value of mushrooms for centuries. Academic research, mostly on lion’s mane mushrooms, seems to support generational knowledge on the topic. Through studies in individual cells, rodents, and humans, scientists have found that specific compounds in lion’s mane mushrooms stimulate nerves and brain cells to grow, and keep them alive longer. Labs across the world are now uncovering some important clues as to why mushrooms can be so beneficial. Under usual circumstances, many different cells in our body, including neurons and other brain cells, grow and survive thanks to the work of nerve growth factors.

These are proteins that our body makes, which bind to receptors on those cells and initiate a whole cascade of signals, ending in either the cells’ death or growth.

Lion’s mane nerve growth factors.

Nerve growth factors play a crucial role in maintaining cellular health and vitality. Recent research has demonstrated that the application of lion’s mane mushroom extracts enhances the effectiveness of these growth factors, prompting the body to produce a greater quantity of nerve growth factors and subsequently initiating heightened cellular growth. For instance, in a study conducted with rat adrenal cells, exposure to lion’s mane extracts resulted in noticeable cellular expansion.

Furthermore, the observed enhancement was not limited to the cells that were deprived of mushrooms, but it also surpassed the stimulation observed in cells that were exposed to naturally occurring levels of nerve growth factors.

What is the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Proven experiments

So mushroom extracts stimulated growth in those cells better than what they’re exposed to in a healthy living rat! That happens because they both stimulate activity in those nerve growth factors and mimic them, using compounds called “hericenones” to produce similar growth on their own. So they not only stimulate growth factors, but they also stimulate growth factors. Through those methods, lion’s mane mushrooms help brain cells grow bigger, extend outward to interact with other cells and stay alive. And all of these cellular benefits can translate to better brain function.

More collaboration 

A 2017 collaboration across Switzerland, Italy, and Slovenia found that supplementing mouse diets with lion’s mane mushrooms for two months improved their memory. In that study, mice were fed mushrooms for 2 months and then observed as they performed a commonly used memory test. The mushroom-eating mice were drawn more toward new things, which suggested that they remembered the old stimuli better than mice that didn’t eat a mushroom-enriched diet. 

Lion’s mane mushrooms were found to enhance neurogenesis in the hippocampus, the cognitive region responsible for memory formation, resulting in enhanced memory capabilities.

Korean study

A Korean study on mice published in 2019 found that a low dose of lion’s mane mushrooms decreased the number of brain cells expressing that enzyme, providing an anti-inflammatory effect and keeping those cells from dying. That effect comes from a different set of mushroom compounds called erinacines, which initiate another cascade of signals that reduces inflammation. So some cellular studies are pointing to hericenones, and some rodent studies are suggesting erinacines are the mushroom compounds to thank for the improved brain cell function and memory. But what happens to us humans?

Well, the mushrooms seem to provide similar benefits to us, but scientists aren’t quite sure which compounds are creating those effects.

Japanese study

In a 2019 Japanese study, people who took mushroom powder four times a day for 12 weeks scored higher on a memory test than the placebo group and higher than they had scored before taking the supplements. And the growth factors that were so critical in cellular experiments are also deficient in people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, so there may be some important implications for this research in the future. For now, evidence suggests that nerve growth factors are the proteins behind this mushroom’s effect, but researchers still aren’t quite sure how the mushroom makes them tick. Some researchers suspect that hericenones are major contributors, because there are a lot of them in the fruiting part of the mushroom, and they’re known to stimulate growth factors.

The Hippocampus

Our hippocampus is like the command center for our memories. It’s where we make sense of our experiences and store them for future recall. So, when we talk about improving our memory capabilities, we’re talking about something truly significant. Now, let’s dive a little deeper into this fascinating research.


Studies have shown that consumption of lion’s mane mushrooms can stimulate the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus. This process, known as neurogenesis, is essential for our brain’s health and cognitive function. Think of it as a magical forest growing within your brain. These new neurons sprouting in the hippocampus create new connections and pathways, allowing for improved memory formation and retention. It’s like giving your brain a boost of vitality and power. Imagine being able to recall information more easily, whether it’s for academic pursuits, professional endeavors, or simply cherishing precious memories with loved ones. Lion’s mane mushrooms can potentially help us achieve that. But don’t just take my word for it.


What is the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

The effects of Lions mane

The scientific community has been investigating the effects of lion’s mane mushrooms on memory, and the results are promising. In experiments conducted on both animals and humans, researchers have observed enhanced memory capabilities after regular consumption of this remarkable fungus. Now, let me remind you that while lion’s mane mushrooms show great potential, they are not a magical solution that will instantly transform your memory. It’s important to approach this as part of a holistic lifestyle, including a healthy diet, regular exercise, and proper sleep. Incorporating lion’s mane mushrooms into your diet can be as easy as adding them to your favorite dishes or taking them as a supplement. They are available in various forms, including powdered extracts, capsules, and even fresh mushrooms in some markets.

What is the Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Embrace the power of Lions mane

So, my dear friends, here’s a delicious and natural way to potentially enhance our memory capabilities – lion’s mane mushrooms. Embrace the power of neurogenesis in the hippocampus and unlock your brain’s full potential. Remember, knowledge is power, and with lion’s mane mushrooms, we may have a little extra power to tap into. Stay curious, stay hungry for knowledge, and let’s explore the wonders of our incredible minds together.